Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cost of Illegal Immigration

As those who read my posts here, and on JMO – Sound Off, know, one of my biggest issues with our current government is total lack of action regarding illegal immigration. It has been brought up to me on several occasions the totally erroneous statement that “it would cost too much to round up and deport these criminals out of the country”.  I have yet to see figures that prove this by those that hold to that argument.  I, on the other hand, have seen proof of it being completely the opposite  - it costs us more to allow them to stay than it would to deport them all – all 12-20 million of them.

The Council on Immigration Studies estimated in 2004 the annual cost of illegal immigration to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 BILLION dollars, that was three years ago. This study is reflected by other studies such as the 1997 National Research study, the 1998 Urban Institute study, and even the Inspectors Generals office of the Treasury. Research findings where gathered from the Census Bureau and the National Research council.  Also I might remind those reading this that at the time of this study there were an estimated 8.7 million illegal aliens in the country and that has nearly doubled since then and continues to grow at an estimated 500,000 more a year, thereby increasing the studies estimate to 20 Billion plus a year. 

For those interested in reading the study:

These studies deal primarily with the direct effects of illegal immigration as it relates to taxes, welfare, and job loss for legal American’s, however there are other hidden cost’s that are not taken into account. Some of those not mentioned in this or other studies include the misuse of hospital services, primarily on the border, but are now happening all over the U.S. in which these social leaches are using medical services and NEVER paying for it. The extreme criminal element from street gang violence and drug dealing (supported, by the way, by subversive terrorists groups like MEChA) as well as murders, and rapes has cost millions of dollars in destruction and loss of life. Add to this the FACT that 30% of the current U.S. prison population is illegal immigrants primarily from Mexico, of which the American taxpayer is paying for their incarceration. Add these all up and we are looking at an estimated 340 BILLION a year, a hundred billion more than the most critical liberal think tanks claim it would cost to depart them all. 

And that is still not the entire picture, each year dozens of law enforcement people are killed or severely injured by these malcontents and asinine laws like the current law in Los Angeles California which restricts law enforcement from going after these people for immigration violations, further prohibit the just imprisonment and expulsion of these individuals. These laws are also repeated in cities like New York, Chicago, and even San Diego, Houston, and Boston, making our major cities virtual havens of crime.

Which brings me to my next point the “how” would I propose to round up and deport theses people if they are all “underground”.  But first it is important to bring up the liberal side of the argument that claims it would be too expensive to validate my earlier statement. Their argument is based on “studies” by liberal think tanks like the Center for American Progress, that have projected a cost of some 230 to 250 billion over a five year period and on the surface that would seen to validate their argument however they are basing this on employing “mass deportation”, with only a small change in strengthening law enforcement practices, which is NOT what I am advocating,  Even they admit that with just this ONE change the result would be a 10-20% voluntary exodus out of the country by illegals.

Now let’s look at what can be done to truly effect “voluntary” deportation. First we must enact legislation that turns around several of the laws in place that enable the illegals, such as the ridiculous restrictions on local law enforcement to go after illegal immigrants. Second we need to refine, and redefine the 14th amendment that makes any child born in the U.S. an automatic citizen. Third we need to increase and enforce fines and penalties on employers that hire illegals. We also need to mandate that anyone using certain hospital and/or welfare services, other than emergencies, must have some form of proof of legal residence in the U.S. such as a valid drivers license. These steps alone will not totally correct the problem, but will probably increase voluntary deportation by another 20-30%, or even more, meaning that almost half those here illegally will have no more reason to be here, as they can no longer suck off the government teat, and will have to return to where they came from. 

As for the seriously criminal element like the rapists, murderers, terrorists, and drug dealers we treat them as we would ANY criminal, once found guilty they should be incarcerated and when completing their sentence they be immediately deported with the caveat that if caught back in the country illegally they will be subject to the death penalty. Of course we also need to erect a truly protective fence between our southern borders and increase our border enforcement on both the northern and southern borders, or all of this will be a meaningless exorcise. 

For some these recommendations may seem severe, but we are talking about the cultural, and economic survival of our country as well as our sovereignty.  We should be treating this as we would any invasion, as that is just what this is  - an invasion - by those only interested in pillaging our nation of it’s wealth and for many like those that are loyal to the Mexico First extremists like MEChA to also conquer our nation, and turn it into a subdivision of Mexico.