Friday, November 23, 2007

Rich elite - Socialists?

In one of the boards that I frequent and am an administrator a member brought up the issue that Democrats are the party of the rich and another brought up the fact that the Republican's are not much better. No surprise to me I have been saying this for years.

 Does anyone ever wonder why those that are the richest people in the world promote socialism? Everyone from Warren Buffet, to the Hollywood elite, we see a continual assault on the free market economy and promotion of socialist policy.

 Many people are confused as to the difference between capitalism, socialism, and free market economies. Most assume that free market is capitalism but that is not true. Capitalists may have gained their wealth through free market, but they are not one in the same. Once many (not all, such as those like Forbes and a few others) have gained the financial where with all to be able to control whole countries they are dedicated to maintaining that power by locking the door behind them and the method of doing this is the new feudalism called socialism.

Socialism contrary to common belief does NOT tax the rich to balance the books sort to speak. The theory of “redistribution” in an of itself makes sense, but in fact those that make the decision as to who should be “taxed” are those that are in power already and typically it is those that are wealthy.  They are not about to give up their wealth, and therefore their power to this altruistic “redistribution” of wealth.

What has ALWAYS happened whether it be the Soviet Union, China, or here in the Socialist States of America is that the middle class is the one paying the bills. The elite tell us that we need to give to HELP those in need, they structure taxation so that they have the loop holes to avoid paying while we all sit here year after year trying to figure out how we can make ends meet.

The sad part is that these uber-rich have the money to promote programs that sound good and play on our sympathies where we feel obligated to follow their lead. However they have the money to throw out a thousand here, and thousand there, where we are looking at just making next months mortgage or rent.

Each election year we are faced with a decision in this country as to who will do the best for the common good. and each year we are confronted by politicians that float in circles. and hobnob with these rich elite, if not one themselves. The old saying of a "chicken in every pot" is quite telling here because we have a group of politicians most of which are playing to the new “downtrodden” the illegal immigrants, and trying to make them the new voting block that will get them elected, or at least keep them in power.

Truth be told most people haven’t the time or the patience to sift through the machinations that our politicians weave their way through it is time we had a third of fourth party that at the very least hold the feet of the other two parties to the fire.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

He's Our Uncle Not Our Dad

Once again we the citizens of Massachusetts are facing more tax increases. As the cost of home heating oil increases, due to the stock market speculator frenzy, and oil company greed, both domestic, and foreign, our state government wants to increase our gas tax by another 11 cents a gallon. This will not only affect the individual, but town operating budgets, as they have to pay the going rate for fuel used in police cruisers, fire trucks, and ambulances, highway, and park department vehicles, etc.

I for one want to know just where the hell our money is going to, on not just a local level, but state and federal as well. Our roads, and bridges country wide are crumbling, our health care system is in shambles, and getting worse, with cuts being made in Medicare, and Medicaid, which only exacerbates the issue, doctors, and hospitals are having to increase their fees to a point where even the average middle class can’t afford it, let alone the poor.

The question I asked above was intended to be rhetorical, as I DO know where the money is going. What we are seeing today is the result of the let Daddy Sam, (once Uncle Sam, but elevated by liberals, neo-cons, Republican, and Democrat alike to parent status), be in charge of our financial “well-being” from cradle to grave. It is also the folly of both parties that have allowed undocumented (illegal) immigrants to come into, and remain in our country, draining our health care, and S.S.I, not to mention filling our jails with murderers, thieves, and drug dealers, again costing us the law abiding tax paying citizens even more.

Add to this the plain, and simple fiscal reality that sending a dollar to a central organization (IRS) that then has to hire thousands of employees to re-distribute the wealth, as well as handle the reams of paperwork and bureaucratic red tape required to manage, staff, and execute this socialist redistribution of wealth, only comes back to us as a dime. We also have the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank – a private corporation) that manipulates our market, and usurps the governments role in printing, and distributing our currency, all the while charging us interest on those same moneys that they neither incur cost for printing, distribution, or backing.

This is a rather simplistic laundry list of reasons for our current situation, but the bottom line is that our politicians from both parties are moving us from a free enterprise system to controlled socialist/capitalist market. I know that sounds contradictory, the use of socialist and capitalist together, but it is not. The system we are now heavily entrenched in is much like the fascist socialism of Nazi Germany. It is a system where the middle class is reduced to a working class poor, the poor are subsidized to maintain a voting block to keep in power the wealthy elite, and further entrench, and protect the uber-wealthy.

Take a look at this list of taxes, which by the way is not complete as it does not include numerous other taxes called fees, as well as county taxes that many areas of the country also have to pay out too, many of which did not exist fifty-sixty years ago when this country was experiencing the greatest growth of the middle class, as well scientific and manufacturing growth in the history of the world and none of which existed a hundred years ago and we were the most prosperous nation in the world, and we had NO national debt.

Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Social Security Tax
Medicare Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax
School Tax
Sales Taxes (State and Local)
Real Estate Tax
Property Tax
Building Permit Tax
Well Permit Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Utility Taxes
Severance Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Accounts Receivable Tax
Privilege Tax
Inventory Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permits tax
Inheritance Tax
Capital Gains Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state, and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Trailer registration tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Watercraft registration Tax
Gasoline Tax (state and federal)
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Dog License Tax
Fishing License Tax
Hunting License Tax
Cigarette Tax

More than half of our pay goes to some form of tax, and if you are a union employee take out another 1-3 % for union dues, than take out your cost for health insurance, and what are you left with? Back when we did not have all these taxes it only took ONE person in the family to provide, now both adults and sometimes the children also need to work when they are of age or both parents need to work more than one job. Ask yourself if in fact the quality of life has improved with all these government programs. Ask yourself why the percentage of poor has INCREASED not decreased with all the so-called war on poverty programs that were initiated in the mid –sixties till now. Ask yourself why we have to work longer hours and why one parent can't stay home to raise the children.

One last thing we need to ask ourselves, why is it that the vast majority of the super-wealthy in the world support socialism and a socialist economy?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mattel Recalls Toys Again

It appears that there is a lot of controversy in this latest recall of toys from Mattel. The talking heads from both sides of the political spectrum appear to be waving their particular flag expounding on the evils of one thing or another.

The purveyors of the “nanny state” form of government are of course issuing statements to the effect, “this is the result of capitalism”. Their argument is that due to the greed of corporations like Mattel they have ignored the potential hazards to our children. And of course they are also finding fault with the Bush administration because the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) has been under funded and hasn’t had a department head (commissioner) for months and the only candidate that the Bush administration has recommended was a former manufacturing lobbyist.

The other side of the political spectrum is arguing that this is the fault of many administrations, including that of Pappa Bush and Clinton as well. They feel that those who are advocating “global economy” and have pushed agreements like NAFTA and GATT are the culprits. Their argument is that by handing off most of our manufacturing to off shore plants quality has diminished because of the lack of oversight and good old-fashioned American know-how.

Both groups are in agreement that the bottom line is greed and avarice. The businesses, wholesale manufacturing and retail giants like Wal Mart and K-Mart/Sears et al are the cause of this malaise. However some are also pointing the finger at the consumer - you and I, as well.

I am one of those that agree with that last statement. My opinion is that all of the above mentioned is the problem. We have an agency (CPSC) that was formed in the mid seventies that has been steadily losing funding and has had little leadership, and the growing advocacy for a “global market” by our politicians, as well as corporations looking to “grow” their business (cute euphemism for make more money) are all at least partly at fault. But the bottom line and driving factor for all the above is us, yes, you, and I, the consumer.

We can sit here and admonish our politicians and crucify the CEO’s of business, but in fact we are the ones that are asking for cheaper and cheaper product, we are the ones that flood the stores at Christmas, and other times of the year as well, to buy the latest Barbie Doll or Game Boy, or other products that the Jones might have. We have to be the first on our block to own this thing or that, we don’t want our kids to feel “left out” because they don’t have the latest sneaker or hoodie or new electronic gadget.

Is some of this market driven by advertising and other modes of “peer pressure”? Yes most definitely, but the decision to buy or not to buy, to prioritize what is REALLY important lays with us. The way capitalism works is that there has to be a market for things, the consumer DICTATES the market not the other way around.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Parenting - Government or Parent Responsibilty?

The Chinese government has passed a law that would require Internet Gaming companies to implement a program that would force all users under the age of 18 to register an ID code to play Internet games. If the child goes over three hours the game would be interrupted and give them a message to go end the game and do something physically active and constructive. If they do not than their scores would be wiped and/or other disruption of the game would occur.

For the last several years we have been hearing more and more about the relative inactivity of our young, and the resulting weight and health issues. Apparently this is becoming a problem in China as well and they have approached this problem with the usual Daddy government response. Obviously we would not want that kind of government intrusion on our lives but how long before our government will see the need to step in because parents aren’t doing their job?

The question comes up is this strictly the fault of the parent and I say no not entirely. There are numerous factors that play into this “condition” for lack of a better term. Let me try to list them and you can figure out if my conclusion as to the causes of this malaise is accurate.

One: Around the mid sixties women were being indoctrinated to think that they were less of person if they didn’t go out into the work place and compete with men. Today nearly every household has both parents working with little to no real supervision of the children.

Two: Income tax and taxes in general have increased to such a degree that it is now virtually necessary for both parents to work to maintain a household. Again leaving the children under supervised.

Three: In addition to taxes, the “desire” to have the newest fanciest Suv or two, the huge multi-room house, the latest fad clothing, video game, wide screen TV, etc. also has parents not only both working, but some two or more jobs. This avarice, greed, materialism whatever you want to call it has also played a role in absence and under supervision of our young.

Four: Technological advance at a break neck speed and the accompanying advertising has also created much of the foundation for this problem. The latest gadgets in the electronics world are a “must” for the materialistic society we have become. $500.00 for a cell phone and people were waiting some for days on sidewalks in front of stores to be the “first one” to own one. Does anyone else besides me see a problem with this?

Five: Societal attitudes such as the aforementioned materialism and prideful jealousy or simply put need to outdo the Jones, as well as this spare the rod spoil the child indoctrination we have experienced over the last few decades also serves to corrupt the very basis of discipline so lacking with today’s young.

Six: Diet is also a result, as well as a factor, in this upside down family structure. Due to the work schedules and lack of supervision, many kids, eat at the local fast food joints, snack on high sugar, high sodium, “munchies” and drinks and the parents wonder why their youngin’ has ADHD. So instead of recognizing the lack of activity and sugared out chemistry at play we would rather feed them Ritalin or some other drug.

I am sure that we can all think of even more of the factors at play, but lets just take a look at those that we have listed here.

The underlying culpret appears to be “greed”. Greed by the corporation to sell, sell, sell, greed by the adults that buy, buy, buy, and that transferred to the kids that have to have the latest Play-Station, and $150.00 fad sneakers. Add to this a general attitude of self worth which relegates the needs of the community to the garbage heap - unless of course it directly effects us personally.

So what are we to do you say? The answer although simple may not be very easy to accept by most of us. Adults need to re-evaluate what is truly important; we need to realize that it isn’t necessary for Jimmy-Joe or Sally-Sue to have what the neighbors kids have. We have to start realizing that there just may be too many structured “events” that they and their children are involved in. We need to look around ourselves and ask the question “do we really NEED that”. Have someone stay at home to raise the children, and maybe God forbid, do without as our parents did. Put the children first instead as just being another “item” on our list of wants in our home budget. Set rules for these young people, they need and WANT to be guided and if we don't someone or something else will.

I know that one of the items I left off the list is probably the underlying factor to all of this and that is to give our children more than our parents gave us, to live better than our parents, but again we need to evaluate what truly is “living better” and “having more”, is it really the material that will make for “more and better”, or might there be something else?

If we do not change the way we function and deal with our children, than someone or something else will, as I said. How long before daycares become government controlled and our government has to take the draconian messaures that China has taken, not only with the Internet but with other aspects of "raising" our children? Sounds all too Orwellian I realize. but if we remain unaware or hide our head in the sand about the crisis we are in, it can, and will happen. There will come a time that we will not be the major factor in the raising of our own children unless we change our direction on what is important.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Live Earth - Farce

Al Gore’s “Live Earth” Concert kicked off last night in Sydney Australia and will continue through out the day today to purportedly raise awareness that “we’re all gonna die” if we don’t do something about global warming.

As I have stated on other articles for this Blog the jury is still out on if global warming is in fact really happening, and whether man has been the major cause of these perceived changes. In fact not only is there NO consensus among scientists about mans influence in global climate change, but there is increasing skepticism that it is even happening.

Aside from the scientific argument I have a problem with this event as do many others including people like Evan Serpick, columnist for Rolling Stone magazine. Serpick reports that the media in the U.K. has given this event major bad press and many people view this as pomposity at it’s best, (worst).

Let’s face it people these so-call philanthropic events are getting a little tired. They are nothing more than aggrandizing spectacles that to make people feel better about themselves and to provide a venue for self-serving rockers to promote themselves.

I have read and re-read dozens of articles, listened to radio, and TV, news, and promotional programming and have yet to hear where the money raised for this event is going. Concert promoter and venture capitalist Keven Wall is the main organizer of this event and if anyone thinks that he isn’t making a bundle off this than they are delusional or naïve.

Regardless of whether you believe in the global crisis that Gore and his leftist buddies are trying to promote, this concert is nothing more than a vehicle to grow the egos and pocketbooks of the promoters and the participants. The hypocrisy of the show is that in order to put this together, and to transport its “star cast”, and accommodate the thousands of concertgoers there will be more pollution pumped into the climate – way to go Al.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

One Man - One Woman - Marriage the Foundation of our Culture

Over the last couple of weeks our readers have been going on about same-sex marriage and a few things have surfaced on RocklandNews and on JMO-Sound Off that, although not surprising to me, is upsetting.

First of all the total rejection of allowing the people to vote on a social/cultural issue that can and will affect all of us.

Second the complete, ostrich like reaction of the pro-same-sex marriage group in dealing with reasoning against allowing same-sex marriage, usually using the “homophobe” and “religious fanatic” arguments.

I ran across this on JMO-Sound Off on several occasions where I was providing historical, and anthropological based arguments against altering the institution of marriage. Never once did I mention religion and seeing as my best friend is gay, the homophobe argument didn’t work either - but some kept bringing up the “bigotry” and “religious” argument never once responding to the points I brought up based on sociological information. In fact only one person truly debated with me the points of the argument.

The same-sex marriage push, although possibly not intentionally, is one of many attacks on our American Culture. It is being presented to us under the cloak of “lifestyle Choice” and “tolerance. What we are seeing is not just a “modern and expanded view” of marriage, but an attempt to change the concept of its initial meaning.

What the advocates for same-sex marriage are effectively saying is that marriage has nothing to do with childbearing, procreation, or family. It is an attempt to make marriage merely a “personal” concept completely lacking in social relevance. These expanded or alternative marital unions are filled with unrecognized difficulties. Without the biological bond of procreation these relationships become nothing more than mutually agreeable sexual unions.

Now there are some at this point in my argument that are saying to themselves, or possibly yelling at this page that homosexual relationships do have an emotional and mental aspect to it just as in a heterosexual relationship. It is true that some homosexual couples have profound affection and devotion for one another, that is undeniable and I am not saying that is not true. However due to the absence of any relation to mutual reproduction, the “marital” relation is reduced to a mere sensory experience.

Now I have been berated for bringing up the reproduction thing on a couple of levels.

One I was told that it is no longer important to procreate because we are over populated as it is. That is an unfortunate attitude because procreation, the siring of children, and unity of the family will ALWAYS be important in society, any society, large or small.

The other level was the mention that a homosexual couple can adopt (which was tied into the overpopulation argument) or via artificial insemination. However ONLY in a heterosexual relationship is there a true biological potential for procreaction.

Few people realize that having children in some ways plays an important part in ones psychological view of life and death. It is a means of “immortality” if you will. It is a part of carrying forward something of your self. When two people of opposite sex are involved in the procreation of a child it is part of them, and an additional bond between the two – something a homosexual couple can never have. The compelling reasons for us to defend and preserve the definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman is the potential reproductive power of that union.

Again I need to return to the fact that same-sex unions although they can be emotionally and physically involved, they will never reach the capacity to experience more than mere sensory stimulation.

We should also recognize and continue to make a distinction between non-reproductive and reproductive sex. If we should abandon these principles and reduce “marriage” to a mere personal sensory experience than we are opening up arguments to accept ANY consensual sexual practice.

Our current laws regarding sexual behavior, i.e. age, incest, and polygamy are based on the principles of the current marriage definition. Once that definition has been altered to become purely a “sensory experience” than all forms of sexual partnership, no matter how unacceptable or repugnant will be allowable. There will no longer be any principled ground upon which to determine and deny ANY form of sexual union - even with children.

Abandoning the definition of marriage and altering it to an expanded state will eventually have repercussions that we can only estimate, but if historical evidence is to be believed than this “open minded” attitude toward relationships such as that of Rome at its height will result in the same end as Rome.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Congress Votes to Screw U.S. workers

Well, they’ve gone and passed the new illegal immigrant amnesty bill, and our President has already said that he is in favor of this economic and cultural slap in the face of every American and legal immigrant.

With the provisions of this bill in place, like what I call the “Dream Act”, wherein it states that those here already can bring in their “family” members. This may seem to be an act of compassion but like so many “compassionate” acts by our government it will cause more harm than good.

We now have an estimated 12,000,000 illegals in this country that will receive their amnesty, if they only bring in ONE relative each we have doubled the number of immigrants coming into our country. This bill states also that these immigrants will be naturalized based on education and abilities, but the initial program or Z-card status will take between 8 to 13 years to naturalize them as citizens, so in the meantime they take up American jobs, increase our welfare rolls, and tax our already failing healthcare system.

Of course our elected officials like Kennedy, McCain, and Bush claim that they will strengthen the fines and legal actions against employers that hire these CRIMINALS, but if history is repeated by this administration then I will have to see it to believe it. President Clinton went after and charged more employers that broke the law by hiring these illegals, than the Bush administration – almost TWICE as many.

As for the cultural impact on the U.S. what we have seen historically in the past two decades is a people that don’t want to let go of their language or become integrated into American society as American’s. Radical groups like La Raza Unita (considered legitimate lobbyists in the Capitol) have stated quite clearly that they have no intention of relinquishing their Latino roots. In fact they also believe that the American Southwest is theirs and are in full support of El Reconquista or in English the re-conquest of their “native lands” – read my previous post on Chicano Insurgents:

What we are seeing is a quiet invasion of our country, unless we start calling on our elected officials to abandon these plans we will lose our nation, both culturally and economically.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sharpton - Demogogue

After hearing Al Sharpton’s bigoted remark toward Romney I am reminded of just how those like Jessie Jackson and Sharpton have used the race card time and time again, but feel no guilt or remorse for statements like calling New York “Hymie Town” or saying “…as for that one Mormon running for President, those who really believe in God will defeat him…”

There is racism and bigotry in America today, but it isn’t just the white population against blacks. Sharpton and his ilk have in fact been a detriment and an embarrassment for good hardworking American’s of color. This is not Sharpton’s first bigoted act, back in 1991 Al Sharpton along with other so-called black leaders, hastened to Crown Heights in New York after several days of rioting to take advantage and capitalize on the notoriety of so-called protest marches in the area.

A couple of days before Yankel Rosenbaum, a twenty nine year old Australian ultra-Orthodox Jew who was in New York to conduct historical research at the YIVO Institute, was beaten and stabbed by attackers who shouted “Get the Jew” and “Kill the Jew".

Neither Sharpton nor any of his fellow “leaders” grieved for Mr. Rosenbaum, nor did they call for a stop or criticize the fire bombings, and looting of Jewish owned businesses that followed Mr. Rosenbaum’s murder. In fact Sharpton and his entourage spun their own version of events by bringing up the accidental death of a black child, Gavin Cato, by a Jewish man who had lost control of his vehicle during one of the riots hitting several children on a sidewalk. Not only was he wrongly accused by Sharpton of intentionally “murdering” young Gavin Cato, which later incited even more rioting, but when the Jewish man got out of his car to help the children he was beaten and robbed by the rioting crowd.

Furthermore not ONE black leader after three days of rioting in this neighborhood, or in the following more peaceful “marches” expressed a concern or criticized the blatant anti-Semitism expressed in signs that had messages like “Hitler didn’t do his job”.

Sharpton has time and time again shown his racist hatemongering personality and yet the mainstream media appears to ignore his hate filled rhetoric. From his speech in 1994 lauding his opinion that Blacks were culturally superior because, "White folks were in caves while we were building empires… We taught philosophy, astrology, and mathematics before Socrates and those Greek homos…", to his actively supporting the hoax by Tawana Brawley, falsely accusing New York prosecutor Steven Pagones, and spouting all kinds of racist remarks against the police, and whites in general.

Sharpton and Jackson have done more to harm the Black community than they have done to help, and it is time for them to take a stand against these rabble-rising demagogues.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Age Old Enemies?

Many times over the last couple of years, when discussing the issues in the Middle East, I have heard it said that the Jews and Arabs have been bitter enemies for centuries and that there is no way to resolve this age old hatred and distrust. Like most people I agreed with that train of thought. That is, until recently.

It is true that there has been an underlying religious disagreement dating back to the Biblical conflict between Abraham’s two sons. Arab belief is that they are descendants of Ishmael and that the Jews are descended from Isaac. They believe that Isaac usurped Ishmael’s birthright, but the so-call religious conflict and subsequent persecution, claimed by both extremes, (Jihadist’s and Zionists), has been exaggerated.

If one looks at the history of the Middle East there is little evidence that supports the constant conflict between Arabs and Jews. It is rarely pointed out that when the Crusades began in 1099 that BOTH Jew and Muslim stood side by side to defend Jerusalem. The Crusaders massacred Muslim and Jew alike. In fact, after the Muslim hero Saladin defeated the Crusaders in 1187, only then did displaced Jews return to the area.

The Jewish community flourished and prospered under Muslim leaders from that point on, and in fact grew even more numerous in the 15th and 16th centuries when the Ottoman Empire welcomed them into the area when they (the Jews) were expelled from Spain, by the Christians. For the next several centuries, under both the Ottoman rule, and later British rule after WWI, Arab, and Jewish communities peacefully coexisted in this area.

So what happened, you might ask. The real start of the Arab-Israeli conflict started around the year 1920. A man named Haj Muhammad Al Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, the Imam of the Al Aqsa Mosque, was a brutal and controlling despot that killed Jews and Arabs he considered to be a threat to his control of Jerusalem’s Arab population.

Similar to his counterpart in the West, Adolph Hitler, he used anti-Jewish propaganda to separate and polarize the Arab and Jewish communities who for centuries had lived peacefully together. In 1920 and again in 1929, Al Husseini incited anti-Jewish riots by claiming the Jews were plotting to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque. The riots resulted in the massacre of hundreds of Jewish civilians and a virtual end to the Jewish presence in Hebron.

In 1936, partially funded by the Nazi’s, Al Husseini began a revolt against the British using Arab militias, which also were used to massacre Jewish citizens. The Brits quelled the uprising by 1939 and Al Husseini fled to Iraq and helped to orchestrate a jihad against the British once again in 1941.

Once more the Brits were able to put down this rebellion and Husseini fled to Nazi Germany. He found that the Nazi anti-Jew ideology fit nicely with his extremist view of Islam. Husseini and Hitler schemed to create a pro-Nazi pan-Arab-style fascist government for the Middle East.

Even after the fall of El Alamein in 1942 Al Husseini called for continued Arabic resistance to Allied forces and was summarily know as the “Arab Fuhrer” or the “Fuhrer’s Mufti”. In one of his radio broadcasts from Berlin in 1944 Al Husseini called for a jihad to “kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases Allah, history, and religion.” Sound familiar?

Time after time Husseini did what ever he could to kill “the Jew”, including the blocking of the Red Cross to help Jewish children. He recruited Bosnian Muslims for the German Waffen SS, known as the Hanjer (Saber) Division, which murdered 90% of the Yugoslavian Jewish population. Heinrich Himmler was so delighted with their “accomplishments” that he established the Mullah Military School in Dresden.

After the fall of Nazi-Germany, Al Husseini fled to Cairo. Throughout the 1940’s and 50’s he helped develop a pro-fascist group in Egypt known as “Young Egypt”. Gamal Abdul Nassar (a member of Young Egypt), along with other pro-fascists among the military, seized control of the Egyptian government in 1952. He was also instrumental in influencing the founding members of the Ba’ath Party - the party of Saddam Hussein and current controlling party of Syria. And finally Al Husseini played a central role in creating the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

Many in the Arab world today, thirty years after his death in 1974, still revere this despot as a hero. It seems to me that Husseini’s close relationship to Hitler and Nazi ideology may be the reason that Hitler’s Mein Kampf is one of the best selling books in the Arab world.

At this point, you may ask where I am going with this. Simply I was challenged a short time ago when I drew an analogy to this current form of extremist Islam with fascism, calling them Islamofascists.
Husseini’s descendants and followers remain active in Middle Eastern affairs today and I could go on and on with the numerous connections to Al Qaeda and other groups, who consider this man a hero, but suffice it to say this pro-Nazi leader is the cornerstone of today’s radical Islamic Jihadists.

We have been fed a steady diet by the media that this is a centuries old conflict that is un-winnable. I have even heard some of my most learned friends spouting the “Zionist conspiracy” ravings of the fascists, reminiscent of the Nazi propaganda of the last century. I must point out here that in fact the Zionists are the extreme of the other side, but not the international demons they are proposed to be by some.

Let us not forget that there are more of those like Ata and his band of suicide Jihadists who murdered almost 3000 innocent people on September 11, 2001, who are hell bent on our destruction. Until we start recognizing this enemy for who they are, and that they are not just terrorists, which is a misnomer, they are fascists we will not defeat them. We are NOT at war with Islam but a sect of extremist/fascists radicals, which are using religion as their excuse for murder and dictatorial control.

Until we begin to understand this than we will not win this war. And if we allow these fanatics and outright nut jobs to turn this into some sort of religious war, this too will be disastrous. The truth is we are at war once again with fascism. We are embroiled in a war none of us want, but one we must win, or we will lose all we hold dear, our freedom, our independence, our lives, and the lives of our loved ones.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Federal Reserve Scam

Few people know, or understand what the Federal Reserve is. Most people think it is part of the government and that the government controls the Fed, this simply is not so. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE corporation that profits from control of our monetary system.

Here is how, the U.S. Government borrows money from the Fed, say 1 million dollars, the Fed prints the 1 billion dollars on OUR own printing presses, at our governments expense, and lends this money to the government WITH interest. They have neither printed the money, nor have they provided any resource other than to okay the printing of this money, and yet we are indebted to them to pay it back plus interest. Furthermore the Fed since it’s inception in 1913 has never once been audited and pays NO taxes on the money it takes from us.

This system effectively controls the flow of money and in turn the economic wellbeing of the nation. They can tighten up on this flow and it will create conditions that will force unemployment or they can allow for the printing of too much currency thereby creating inflation.

The secondary fallout from this is system is the Federal Income Tax. Here again most people have been lulled into believing that we need the FIT because we need roads and to help the elderly and poor, etc. This belief is not only untrue, but in fact completely the opposite of what it claims.

Since the initiation of the FIT only one class has benefited from it and that is the super-wealthy. I’m not talking about the wealth of the Walton or Gate’s kind, although they are listed as two of the richest men in the world that is a misnomer. They are miniscule in comparison to the International Banking Families and the controlling interest of the Federal Reserve. Some of those family names may be familiar to you Rothschild, Rockefeller, Chase, and Lehman. The Fed has challenged this on several occasions, but a study of Standards and Poors will quickly reveal that in fact this is the case.

I’m sure at this point you are asking why have our leaders allowed this to happen and why haven’t they stopped it. Quite simply many have, but have been thwarted in one way or another to turn it around.

In fact when Woodrow Wilson signed the order in 1913 to affiliate with and allow our currency to be controlled by the Fed he was going in direct opposition to our constitution, but even he was quoted as saying later “ I have unwittingly ruined my country”, when referring to the Fed.

Our Constitution strickly forbids private control of regulating and coining our currency. Article I, Section 8, Clause 5, of the United States Constitution provides that Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof and of any foreign coins.

Thomas Jefferson warned about using private banks to control our currency, stating, " I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies". Further stating, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Others like Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln were also opposed to a privately owned banking system controlling U.S. currency.

More recently there were those like Representative and member of the House Banking and Currency Committee, Charles A. Lindberg Sr. who stated in a speech he gave on January 15, 1915 "The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money, and in the interest of the stockholders and those allied with them." Again in 1932 it was severely criticized by Representative Louis T. McFadden also a member of the House Banking and Currency Committee, in which he states, "Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private credit monopolies that prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders."

The last one to oppose the Federal Reserve System was President John F. Kennedy. On June 4th 1963 President Kennedy sign into law executive order 11110 that stripped the Fed from being able to loan the U.S. money with interest. However less that than six months later President Kennedy was assassinated, and his successor Lyndon Baines Johnson rescinded the order.

Henry Ford is also quoted as stating, "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".

The thing that everyone should understand is that neither the Congress nor the President has control of the national debt; it is in the hands of this private corporation. Until we put pressure on our representatives to remove us from this system we will continue to spiral down into the abyss of financial dependence and debt. Once we have removed ourselves from the FED we will no longer have the need for the Federal Income Tax as it now stands. A more equitable and reasonable system of taxation to pay necessary government functions can then be instituted.

Chicano Insurgents

A couple of months ago in papers and news reports from all over the country we heard about President Bush’s South and Central American visit and I noticed that he was criticized by two of the leaders of the countries he visited. Both the Mexican and Guatemalan Presidents commented about the measures the U.S. was taking to stop illegal immigration from their countries. Bush was cordial in his responses, but I think that a more Teddy Roosevelt, or Andrew Jackson like stand would have been more appropriate, tell them to go to hell, that their people are costing the U.S. and it’s citizens millions of dollars and we will do all we can to stop their invasion of our country. But of course that will never happen.

These Latino leaders are against the measures to thwart the criminal migrants that enter the U.S. because they send back tens, if not, hundreds of thousands or millions of American dollars to their countries. They blame the U.S. for their plight and expect US to foot the bill to grow their economies. All the while they are reluctant to stem the illegal drug traffic and militia like thieves that have tortured, killed, raped, and stolen from hundreds of innocent tourists over the years, not to mention the corruption within their own governments.

We don’t hear much about this behavior in the liberal controlled media, but there are numerous incidents of this type of thing happening repeatedly, especially out of Mexico. As I reported some time ago Mexican schools have been teaching “gringo hate” for decades and general thought in these schools is that most of the American South West is theirs and that the U.S. stole it from them, so stealing and even killing American’s is rationalized as payback.

This same thought pattern has grown a sub-culture of radicals’ hell bent on conquering the U.S. South West. These Mexican radicals will employ any means to recover this land, starting with mass migrations, and then planned insurgency and rebellion by groups like, MEChA, which is the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan, or the communist revolutionary group the Brown Berets, as well as supposed moderate liberal groups like Barrios Unidos, and La Raza Unita.

Now I expect to see a response that tries to label me racist or anti-Latino, but that is not the case. The vast majority of U.S. citizens with Latino background are as patriotic to this country as anyone else, however the target group for these insurgent provocateurs is the second and third generation of these upstanding American citizens, their children, and grand children, as well as the illegal population entering our country today.

In my opinion we have as much to fear from these insurgents as we do from Al Qaeda and need to begin recognize the potential dangers these criminal organizations represent. There are intelligence reports of South American criminal organizations linked to Al Qaeda. The sale of illegal drugs and distribution in the U.S. by groups like M13 have been helping to finance Al Qaeda and other radical anti-American groups for some time now. Unless we begin to recognize that these silent invaders are a threat we may someday soon wake up to a very different and no longer free America.