Saturday, July 7, 2007

Live Earth - Farce

Al Gore’s “Live Earth” Concert kicked off last night in Sydney Australia and will continue through out the day today to purportedly raise awareness that “we’re all gonna die” if we don’t do something about global warming.

As I have stated on other articles for this Blog the jury is still out on if global warming is in fact really happening, and whether man has been the major cause of these perceived changes. In fact not only is there NO consensus among scientists about mans influence in global climate change, but there is increasing skepticism that it is even happening.

Aside from the scientific argument I have a problem with this event as do many others including people like Evan Serpick, columnist for Rolling Stone magazine. Serpick reports that the media in the U.K. has given this event major bad press and many people view this as pomposity at it’s best, (worst).

Let’s face it people these so-call philanthropic events are getting a little tired. They are nothing more than aggrandizing spectacles that to make people feel better about themselves and to provide a venue for self-serving rockers to promote themselves.

I have read and re-read dozens of articles, listened to radio, and TV, news, and promotional programming and have yet to hear where the money raised for this event is going. Concert promoter and venture capitalist Keven Wall is the main organizer of this event and if anyone thinks that he isn’t making a bundle off this than they are delusional or naïve.

Regardless of whether you believe in the global crisis that Gore and his leftist buddies are trying to promote, this concert is nothing more than a vehicle to grow the egos and pocketbooks of the promoters and the participants. The hypocrisy of the show is that in order to put this together, and to transport its “star cast”, and accommodate the thousands of concertgoers there will be more pollution pumped into the climate – way to go Al.


Anonymous said...

When will we see a peer-reviewed study that states man is NOT affecting the weather???
There are countless studies that show man has had an impact on our climate and we have the world's most important climate organization, the IPCC, stating with increasing certainty that man is affecting the climate and then we have you -- with your complete absence of evidence -- saying that it isn't so.
I'm stumped -- I just don't know who to believe anymore -- 2000+ scientists representing almost every country and ideology around the world or a moron who thinks it is all an American left-wing conspiracy.

Patrick J Cambio said...

I agree with you ‘anonymous’ that there should be peer reviewed studies done in order to disprove the findings that a good number of scientists state there is global warming, and I will hopefully provide just that for you, as well as the educated opinions of thousands of scientists that refute the causes of global climate change.

My problem is not so much with “global climate change” per se but with how this, at least in my opinion, very real issue is being manipulated by some for political/financial gain.

If you wish to banter about “scientific study” you may want to look into a petition signed by more than 15,000 (that’s right 15,000) scientist that states in part, "there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate”

Here is a link for you to personally review that comes from the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, with a preface from Professor Frederick Seitz, past president of the National Academy of Sciences, and president emeritus Rockefeller University. By the way included in this link is a PEER REVIEW STUDY that you so urgently and vehemently claim is missing from the skeptic’s arguments.

So that you can’t use the “all anti-global warming people are funded by industry” argument, OISM is an independent research organization that receives NO funding from industry.

Now I have posted on message boards this same information and the usual response is that the other side had a petition of 2,600 so –called experts from a group called “Ozone Action”, which by the way is NOT a research group, but a political activist organization. The problem is, out of the entire list of these signatures only ONE was qualified in the area of climatology, or related earth study such as geophysics, meteorology, physics, or other related environmental sciences.

The inverse is true of the OISM petition signatures where over 2,100 were a mix of all the above I listed, and another 4,400 where technical experts qualified to comment on CO2 effects on plants and animals. All of the petitioners were in some related technical field, unlike the Ozone Action petition.

Read the information yourself and you can then judge what the truth is, ‘anonymous’.

Anonymous said...

To think that man does not have an impact on our climate would be foolish. The emissions that are spewed into the air have to have some impact. Thats nto a shot at you PJ because I know you agree with that. But there are plenty of scientists that have conducted research that show that man is only a small contirbutor to the problem. Also, there have been several periods of global warming in this planets history and some of those periods were extremely hot. Man was not around for some of those periods and could not do anything to impact the climate for the periods where he was present. The alarmists will have us all believe that the problem is mostly man made and that by controlling emissions this problem can be controlled. However, they choose to ignore factors like the sun and volcanoes. Heck, the Martian polar ice caps are melting. I suppose man is to blame for that too. And where is the outrage about the deforestation of the planet, especially the destruction of the rainforests. I would think it stands to reason that this would have a major impact on global climate but you don't hear the alarmists talk about this. Why? Maybe because this occurs in third world nations and we can't to hold them accountable in any way.
I had heard recently that a leading French scientist who was a prominent proponent of global warming had backed away from his strong stance and asked that his name be removed from the UN report that was recently released. But thta was buried in the news. Might have a negative impact on the cause.

Patrick J Cambio said...

I agree RJ that man does have SOME impact, but like you I feel that it is nominal. What I have a problem with is that those like Al Gore and his ilk are using this to promote a program that would impact us while allowing others like Brazil where the deforestation of MILLIONS of acres of land is not being addressed. This does not necessarily impact global “warming” but does contribute to global climate CHANGE.

In other words and in the simplest terms where there once was desert there will be rainforests, and where there were rain forests there will be deserts. Will this happen over night, or even in our lifetime, probably not, but Mother Earth will compensate and we need to be prepared for this eventuality.

The “sky is falling” environmentalists that are looking through smog colored glasses are contributing more to the problem than reducing it by their focus on the developed industrial nations. It will be the nations like India, Brazil and especially China that will be cause of much of the pollution and climate change. Without addressing those concerns they are empowering and advancing global climate change.

I am all in favor of recycling, reduced pollution, and renewable/clean energy sources (including nuclear) but to impose the restrictions they are espousing will be devastating to the economy and cause more harm than good.