Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is Barrack Obama really a Socialist - Some Clarification?

I felt the need to do an expose on the reality of President Obama’s real intent, and political direction. Many conservative pundits, politicians, and even I have stated that Barrack H. Obama is a socialist or even a communist.

There are many illustrations prior to, during, and even after the campaign and election, by Obama, that would lead one to believe he is indeed a socialist. Issues like his veiled Marxist like denunciation of people of faith when he stated, “…bitter people in small towns cling to religion…” is a good example. Another is his “nationalization” of the nations largest automobile manufacturer General Motors clearly a socialist move. His insistence on having a national healthcare system by the end of this year, is yet another.

However if you speak to socialists and ask that same question you would be surprised at the answer. No Barack Obama is not a TRUE socialist. According to those like F.N. Brill, National Secretary of the World Socialist Party (US): “Obama is as much a socialist as the Pope is an atheist” or editor of the Socialist Party of U.S.A’s magazine Billy Wharton who states that, “…socialists know that Barack Obama is not one of us. Not only is he not a socialist, he may in fact not even be a liberal. Socialists understand him more as a hedge-fund Democrat — one of a generation of neoliberal politicians firmly committed to free-market policies.”

So which is it, which is correct, those “hysterical” right-wingers or the highly offended left wing socialists? ----------------------- BOTH!

That’s right this persons opinion is they are both right. Barrack is promoting socialist policies just as most of his predecessors have done since Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson’s administration passed the VERY communist progressive income tax, a major plank of Karl Marx Communist Manifesto, but was President Wilson necessarily a socialist or communist, no I think not. Every president Democrat and Republican, except for maybe one or two, since then has promoted some aspect of socialism.

So why all the consternation, why all the concern by the right, and why are the left so offended and or bothered that the right would even make such accusations about someone they claim they see as being a capitalist?

To answer the first part, primarily it is becoming clear to many conservatives in the Republican Party and independents alike that we are no longer just a welfare state, but close to becoming a total socialist nation. There are others that are using this slight awakening as political leverage to gain votes, but not really caring one way or the other.

Summarily the left and their so-called feelings of being insulted by calling this smooth talker one of them is also two fold, on the one hand there are true socialists, those that believe in utopic socialism, that are offended by the reality that Obama is really pro-capitalist. Then there are those that know just what the story is really all about and that is that socialism is just another tool of the super capitalists to gain more power, so they will do all they can to convince the public that this man is not one of them for fear that they might lose the momentum that has been built by the media, and Hollywood elite in implementing the socialist programs he is proposing.

I know that there may be a few cocked heads that read this thinking, this makes no sense, how can a socialist be a capitalist they are opposing philosophies. That is true in a purely philosophical sense, but not in application, and hence the confusion, but let’s look at the history of virtually every socialist government. Hitler was financed by of all people German banking concerns, and supported by the mainstream media of that country all of which felt that they could control this “little man”. The bank known today as just Chase, once known as Chase-Manhattan bank loaned $20,000,000.00 in gold to Marxist insurgent Vladimir Lenin just prior to the Russian Revolution. The communist Federal Income Tax was promoted and passed the same year that the independent banking system, the Federal Reserve took root and control of our currency, not a coincidence.

The list goes on and on ad infinitum, but the truth is that those groups of people in the top .01% have been controlling our political system for some time now slowly applying Pavlovian type indoctrination (training) to the general public primarily through manipulation of the media but also through our schools of higher learning by way of so-called non-profit foundations, to accept their own slavery.

Obama may be no worse than any other president we have had in the past three decades, but he is the one to move us forward at even a faster pace, he has already begun to nationalize businesses small and large either by direct financial control as he has done with G.M. or veiled through government mandates like the current bill being forced through Congress known as Cap and Trade. Of course he has already bailed out the banks with OUR money, which was never necessary in the first place. Tens of thousands of people have been forced out of their homes due to foreclosure and daddy gov now holds note on most of those homes.

The thing to remember is this, socialism/communism philosophically would be, as it is proposed, utopian, but it is not practical in the real world where greed, lust for money, and power exist. Socialist economy in the hands of this type of person becomes nothing more than another name for Feudal System. The very few at the top (banking families), who control all the money fill the role of royalty, monarchs, and potentates, those that they pay to implement their policies, fill the role of the barons, sheriffs and such (i.e politicians, military leaders, etc) and at the bottom the rest of us the serfs, the peasants, that do all the work and have no way to climb out of that role.

It has been forwarded by some that buy into the “altruistic” plans of elite that they are doing this for the good of all mankind, but are you willing to allow someone else to determine who, what, and where you fit in life? The ONLY system of government that will provide the opportunity to achieve through hard work and dedication at this time is the one that our forefathers set up and that is a Constitutional Republic. Is it perfect, hell no, but there is NOTHING past or present that will allow for individual freedom and protection of the innocent like this system. Once subverted into an economy and legal system ruled from the top down rather than from the people up than we will have lost the stability and meaning of our constitution and no longer will the poor be able to work to change their status in life. Once locked into the entitlement system where people are dependant on the government to provide than there is little to no chance of getting free from that system. In short we would than be vassals of the state.

So in conclusion is Barack Obama a socialist, yes and no. He is a shill for the industrial- banking complex, the Uber-capitalists, applying their directives of socialist enslavement. He is a threat to the freedom of our children, our grand children and us. We have one more year till the next election, we need to be diligent in our watch over Congress, write letters, send e-mails, make phone calls to your representatives and let them know where you stand, and above all vote those in office now that support Obama and the socialist bankers, out. Let them hear the voice of the people as we still have the ability to turn this around, it is not too late. With the grace of God and willingness of the good hardworking people of the nation all can be saved.

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