Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Welcome to Marxist America

I received a call the other day by a really good friend who was curious as to why I have been so quiet on my Blog regarding what is happening in the world today. The conversation led to a discussion about the doomsday prophesies from the Bible, Nostradamus, and even early American Indian cultures like the Mayans and Hopi’s regarding December 12th 2012. Well I don’t know what will happen on that date regarding the world and possible catastrophic happenings, but I can tell you what will happen here in this once great Republic of the United States of America by that date.

In response to why I have been so quiet of late, the answer is quite simple I have been cowed by the media propaganda that has made anyone using terms like conspiracy, socialism, and even simple descriptive words like “liberal” reason for ridicule. I had for the most part given up on “spreading the word” about what is happening and what has already occurred in this country. However, anyone knowing me realizes that I can only stay quiet for so long, especially now that I have grandchildren that I fear will be subjugated to the loss of freedoms we are well on the way to losing.

What we are seeing today is the death of the free enterprise economic system. Our current president and the boot licking Congress are leading us down the path to Marxism. Government now controls GM, the one time model of capitalism and American industry. Over 60% of the ownership of GM is now in the hands of the federal government. GM will be under constant scrutiny and direction by government bureaucrats. This is but one step in the demise of private ownership in this country. The other aspect is the whispered fact that the government now holds note of millions of private property (homes) all over the country, even if sold back to John Q. Public they will effectively hold the mortgages of these homes and subsequently be the true owners.

Sad as it is not one main stream reporter has the intestinal fortitude to admit and publish the truth, however from the once Marxist nation of Russia (USSR) a reporter for Pravda has spoken loud and clear as to what is happening in the U.S. today, and it ain’t pretty. Please read the article that one of JMO’s best contributors Mike Zupkofska posted: Lost in Obamaland, or go directly to the article in Pravda, I believe anyone interested in the truth will find these most interesting.



For years I have been asking the question of people just why are some of the wealthiest people in the world pro-socialist. Why is it that a system that seemingly is against massing wealth and power being supported financially and philosophically by these people? The answer is simple, as it was for Hitler, and Stalin, a socialist economy is the most effective way to control the “masses” while the very few at the top have total autonomy.

The system that Obama is forwarding will be the final demise of our once great Republic and will issue in the rise of the Union of Socialist States of America. Watch for discussion on incorporating the U.S., Mexico and Canada in the next few years to a EU style cooperative, that will be the next step. The process was already started by the former president G.W. Bush and was called the S.S.P. or Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America. Even the often time left leaning CNN reported on this and the possible hidden agenda of this agreement.

Obama was asked during the campaign about his thoughts on a North American Union (NAU) and his answer is quite interesting, but not surprising. He feigned ignorance and said that there was nothing he was aware of that supported that idea and yet both he and his wife are affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations that has been promoting this objective for years, and Bush along with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper had already signed in to S.S.P. agreement just that year, but Obama had not knowledge of this?

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