Wednesday, September 19, 2007

He's Our Uncle Not Our Dad

Once again we the citizens of Massachusetts are facing more tax increases. As the cost of home heating oil increases, due to the stock market speculator frenzy, and oil company greed, both domestic, and foreign, our state government wants to increase our gas tax by another 11 cents a gallon. This will not only affect the individual, but town operating budgets, as they have to pay the going rate for fuel used in police cruisers, fire trucks, and ambulances, highway, and park department vehicles, etc.

I for one want to know just where the hell our money is going to, on not just a local level, but state and federal as well. Our roads, and bridges country wide are crumbling, our health care system is in shambles, and getting worse, with cuts being made in Medicare, and Medicaid, which only exacerbates the issue, doctors, and hospitals are having to increase their fees to a point where even the average middle class can’t afford it, let alone the poor.

The question I asked above was intended to be rhetorical, as I DO know where the money is going. What we are seeing today is the result of the let Daddy Sam, (once Uncle Sam, but elevated by liberals, neo-cons, Republican, and Democrat alike to parent status), be in charge of our financial “well-being” from cradle to grave. It is also the folly of both parties that have allowed undocumented (illegal) immigrants to come into, and remain in our country, draining our health care, and S.S.I, not to mention filling our jails with murderers, thieves, and drug dealers, again costing us the law abiding tax paying citizens even more.

Add to this the plain, and simple fiscal reality that sending a dollar to a central organization (IRS) that then has to hire thousands of employees to re-distribute the wealth, as well as handle the reams of paperwork and bureaucratic red tape required to manage, staff, and execute this socialist redistribution of wealth, only comes back to us as a dime. We also have the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank – a private corporation) that manipulates our market, and usurps the governments role in printing, and distributing our currency, all the while charging us interest on those same moneys that they neither incur cost for printing, distribution, or backing.

This is a rather simplistic laundry list of reasons for our current situation, but the bottom line is that our politicians from both parties are moving us from a free enterprise system to controlled socialist/capitalist market. I know that sounds contradictory, the use of socialist and capitalist together, but it is not. The system we are now heavily entrenched in is much like the fascist socialism of Nazi Germany. It is a system where the middle class is reduced to a working class poor, the poor are subsidized to maintain a voting block to keep in power the wealthy elite, and further entrench, and protect the uber-wealthy.

Take a look at this list of taxes, which by the way is not complete as it does not include numerous other taxes called fees, as well as county taxes that many areas of the country also have to pay out too, many of which did not exist fifty-sixty years ago when this country was experiencing the greatest growth of the middle class, as well scientific and manufacturing growth in the history of the world and none of which existed a hundred years ago and we were the most prosperous nation in the world, and we had NO national debt.

Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Social Security Tax
Medicare Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax
School Tax
Sales Taxes (State and Local)
Real Estate Tax
Property Tax
Building Permit Tax
Well Permit Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Utility Taxes
Severance Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Accounts Receivable Tax
Privilege Tax
Inventory Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permits tax
Inheritance Tax
Capital Gains Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state, and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Trailer registration tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Watercraft registration Tax
Gasoline Tax (state and federal)
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Dog License Tax
Fishing License Tax
Hunting License Tax
Cigarette Tax

More than half of our pay goes to some form of tax, and if you are a union employee take out another 1-3 % for union dues, than take out your cost for health insurance, and what are you left with? Back when we did not have all these taxes it only took ONE person in the family to provide, now both adults and sometimes the children also need to work when they are of age or both parents need to work more than one job. Ask yourself if in fact the quality of life has improved with all these government programs. Ask yourself why the percentage of poor has INCREASED not decreased with all the so-called war on poverty programs that were initiated in the mid –sixties till now. Ask yourself why we have to work longer hours and why one parent can't stay home to raise the children.

One last thing we need to ask ourselves, why is it that the vast majority of the super-wealthy in the world support socialism and a socialist economy?

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