The Chinese government has passed a law that would require Internet Gaming companies to implement a program that would force all users under the age of 18 to register an ID code to play Internet games. If the child goes over three hours the game would be interrupted and give them a message to go end the game and do something physically active and constructive. If they do not than their scores would be wiped and/or other disruption of the game would occur.
For the last several years we have been hearing more and more about the relative inactivity of our young, and the resulting weight and health issues. Apparently this is becoming a problem in China as well and they have approached this problem with the usual Daddy government response. Obviously we would not want that kind of government intrusion on our lives but how long before our government will see the need to step in because parents aren’t doing their job?
The question comes up is this strictly the fault of the parent and I say no not entirely. There are numerous factors that play into this “condition” for lack of a better term. Let me try to list them and you can figure out if my conclusion as to the causes of this malaise is accurate.
One: Around the mid sixties women were being indoctrinated to think that they were less of person if they didn’t go out into the work place and compete with men. Today nearly every household has both parents working with little to no real supervision of the children.
Two: Income tax and taxes in general have increased to such a degree that it is now virtually necessary for both parents to work to maintain a household. Again leaving the children under supervised.
Three: In addition to taxes, the “desire” to have the newest fanciest Suv or two, the huge multi-room house, the latest fad clothing, video game, wide screen TV, etc. also has parents not only both working, but some two or more jobs. This avarice, greed, materialism whatever you want to call it has also played a role in absence and under supervision of our young.
Four: Technological advance at a break neck speed and the accompanying advertising has also created much of the foundation for this problem. The latest gadgets in the electronics world are a “must” for the materialistic society we have become. $500.00 for a cell phone and people were waiting some for days on sidewalks in front of stores to be the “first one” to own one. Does anyone else besides me see a problem with this?
Five: Societal attitudes such as the aforementioned materialism and prideful jealousy or simply put need to outdo the Jones, as well as this spare the rod spoil the child indoctrination we have experienced over the last few decades also serves to corrupt the very basis of discipline so lacking with today’s young.
Six: Diet is also a result, as well as a factor, in this upside down family structure. Due to the work schedules and lack of supervision, many kids, eat at the local fast food joints, snack on high sugar, high sodium, “munchies” and drinks and the parents wonder why their youngin’ has ADHD. So instead of recognizing the lack of activity and sugared out chemistry at play we would rather feed them Ritalin or some other drug.
I am sure that we can all think of even more of the factors at play, but lets just take a look at those that we have listed here.
The underlying culpret appears to be “greed”. Greed by the corporation to sell, sell, sell, greed by the adults that buy, buy, buy, and that transferred to the kids that have to have the latest Play-Station, and $150.00 fad sneakers. Add to this a general attitude of self worth which relegates the needs of the community to the garbage heap - unless of course it directly effects us personally.
So what are we to do you say? The answer although simple may not be very easy to accept by most of us. Adults need to re-evaluate what is truly important; we need to realize that it isn’t necessary for Jimmy-Joe or Sally-Sue to have what the neighbors kids have. We have to start realizing that there just may be too many structured “events” that they and their children are involved in. We need to look around ourselves and ask the question “do we really NEED that”. Have someone stay at home to raise the children, and maybe God forbid, do without as our parents did. Put the children first instead as just being another “item” on our list of wants in our home budget. Set rules for these young people, they need and WANT to be guided and if we don't someone or something else will.
I know that one of the items I left off the list is probably the underlying factor to all of this and that is to give our children more than our parents gave us, to live better than our parents, but again we need to evaluate what truly is “living better” and “having more”, is it really the material that will make for “more and better”, or might there be something else?
If we do not change the way we function and deal with our children, than someone or something else will, as I said. How long before daycares become government controlled and our government has to take the draconian messaures that China has taken, not only with the Internet but with other aspects of "raising" our children? Sounds all too Orwellian I realize. but if we remain unaware or hide our head in the sand about the crisis we are in, it can, and will happen. There will come a time that we will not be the major factor in the raising of our own children unless we change our direction on what is important.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
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