Well, they’ve gone and passed the new illegal immigrant amnesty bill, and our President has already said that he is in favor of this economic and cultural slap in the face of every American and legal immigrant.
With the provisions of this bill in place, like what I call the “Dream Act”, wherein it states that those here already can bring in their “family” members. This may seem to be an act of compassion but like so many “compassionate” acts by our government it will cause more harm than good.
We now have an estimated 12,000,000 illegals in this country that will receive their amnesty, if they only bring in ONE relative each we have doubled the number of immigrants coming into our country. This bill states also that these immigrants will be naturalized based on education and abilities, but the initial program or Z-card status will take between 8 to 13 years to naturalize them as citizens, so in the meantime they take up American jobs, increase our welfare rolls, and tax our already failing healthcare system.
Of course our elected officials like Kennedy, McCain, and Bush claim that they will strengthen the fines and legal actions against employers that hire these CRIMINALS, but if history is repeated by this administration then I will have to see it to believe it. President Clinton went after and charged more employers that broke the law by hiring these illegals, than the Bush administration – almost TWICE as many.
As for the cultural impact on the U.S. what we have seen historically in the past two decades is a people that don’t want to let go of their language or become integrated into American society as American’s. Radical groups like La Raza Unita (considered legitimate lobbyists in the Capitol) have stated quite clearly that they have no intention of relinquishing their Latino roots. In fact they also believe that the American Southwest is theirs and are in full support of El Reconquista or in English the re-conquest of their “native lands” – read my previous post on Chicano Insurgents: http://jmosoundoff.blogspot.com/2007/05/chicano-insurgents.html
What we are seeing is a quiet invasion of our country, unless we start calling on our elected officials to abandon these plans we will lose our nation, both culturally and economically.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
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I'm curious - what would YOU do to get rid of all the illegals that are here?
The reality is that they ARE here and we can't deport them all. In the meantime, these people are also paying taxes and are involved with their communities. They're not all coming here and sucking down welfare.
Furthermore, they have every right to speak their own languages as long as they also learn English as the national language with which to do business and be citizens. Their children will be fluent in English AND their native language. Bilingualism will be more common than not.
We need to accept that the face of America is changing (again). We are becoming more and more a land of many colors, cultures and languages. This country has never been a homogeneous group, and that has never been truer than now. That's the essence of this country's nature.
Deport them. Few people realize that this has happened before. President Eisenhower deported over a million illegals in the fifties.
The belief that they are not ALL coming here and sucking down welfare is true, however the average welfare recipient by legal citizens is around 5% whereas the estimated amount of illegals use of a system they have NEVER paid into is 13%, and possibly more, as they are illegal and "underground" as it were. Add to this the number of hospitals that they have put out of business in the Southwest and now this same misuse of the hospital system is spreading to all the major cities in the country. You may also want to explore the percentage of illegals that are in our prisons for drug trafficking, rape, theft and murder, it will shock you that for a group that represents less than five percent of the population they are 30% of the prison population today.
As for using their language you are absolutely correct, however unlike the Italians or polish, and numerous other immigrants many are NOT learning English and refuse to do so. In fact the reason for the multi-lingual messages in hospitals and public transportation is due to radical lobbyists pressuring our government to comply with this disregard for our country and our language.
As for your final statement that we are some sort of homogenous culture that is NOT true. Are we a nation that is made up of many people’s or many races, and backgrounds, yes, but that does not mean that we chnage OUR culture to fit them, they have come here supposedly because of what we offer. What we offer is NOT a free ride, what we offer is our culture as a nation; we are the United States of America, not a northern province of Mexico.
Sure enough there are many peoples that have contributed and added to this culture, but what we are seeing, in particular from the Latino invaders, is an arrogance of not adopting our culture, but trying to force the U.S. to adopt their culture.
Mexico has published a pamphlet, and until quite recently freely distributed it to their people, that is in essence a guide to how to manipulate our system. Their schools teach that the U.S. stole their land (which is not true), and well financed radical lobbyist groups in Washington D.C. are daily pressuring our elected officials to turn a blind eye to these issues. These same groups stress that they are Mexican FIRST and only live and work in the United States, this is a calculated invasion of our country plain and simple.
Finally there ARE many Latino’s that have come here to BE American’s and I applaud them because they have come here LEGALLY, following our LAWS, not breaking them, to get here, or usurping our generosity, as these criminal invaders have.
Just to clarify - I said we are NOT a homogeneous group and never have been. The point I was making is that we have always been a nation of immigrants and our culture has therefore always represented this fact.
Thanks for your response - interesting facts.
Sorry, I misread your statement. However that does not change the validity of my reply.
Just so that anyone reading this doesn't get the wrong Idea, I am NOT against immigration, and have no problem with Latino or Brazilian immigrants that come here LEGALLY, what I have a problem with is those that break the law to begin with to get here - if their mentality is that it is okay to break that law, what will their attitude be about breaking any other of our laws?
Many of these illegals, have abused our healthcare system, illegally driven on our roads, either with fake licenses or none at all, used other/fake identities (S.S.I. #'s)to collect welfare, and other government benefits. These people have no respect for our nation, us, or for that matter their own people that have worked hard to get here legally and worked equally as hard to learn the language and become part of this nation of immigrants.
Bottom Line MB, we CAN deport them, maybe not all, but if we allow local police to turn them in to the Federal autorities, which is NOT happening right now, complete the fence on our border, increase the border patrol with National Guard if necessary, fine, and prosecute employers that hire illegals, and repeal the anchor baby law, and you will see most of those here illegally return to their nation of origin on their own.
The problem MB is that we are not even enforcing the existing laws on the books now, how are we to believe that this new "immigration policy" will be followed any more stringently than those laws we do not enforce now?
One last thought MS, what taxes do they pay?
Other than sales tax the vast majority of ILLEGAL immigrants are paid under the table, or if it is a anchor mom doesn't work until way after the baby is born, if then - she only collects FROM the state. They typically only pay property tax vicariously through the landlord and most of those cases the housing is over populated - 12,13,14 or more people living in a two or three-bedroom house or apartment - that is good?
I guess my point is that they aren't all living entirely under the radar. It doesn't seem right to lump them all into the stereo type.
And as to living 12-14 per apartment, I'm sure it's a grand improvement over living on dirt floors with no running water and no sanitation in absolute poverty that even America's poor can't fathom. If it's a choice between that kind of life and the possibility of making a better life, I can understand why they come, illegal or not.
You speak of these people with such distaste, as if they are subhuman, and I think it's important to recognize that although our infrastructure is being strained, these people are looking for better lives, which is supposed to be the American Dream, after all. They are humans, they are starving and they need a better life. Not saying this is the best way to do it - but some recognition of their desperation would be appropriate.
In my opinion, that is where the real downfall of recent administrations has occurred. No compassion whatsoever. Either a ticket home or a ticket to a free ride - neither of which fixes the problem.
First of all MS I was not “lumping them all into one stereotype”. I have said repeatedly that there are some that are legitimately trying to become American citizens, however the vast majority of those that have illegally entered this country are not interested in being U.S. citizens and that is my problem.
Let me back up a little I think what bothers me the most is that many people, even it seems, you, have ignored the fact that what these people have done is illegal - criminal. If they have come here essentially ignoring our laws to get here, that is CRIME 1. They then work here under the table or in some other “scam” process, which is CRIME 2. They often times procure fake documents; whole businesses are based on providing bogus documentation for them, which is CRIME 3. Most drive vehicles without licenses, registration, or insurance, CRIME 4. If they are willing to break our laws indiscriminately like this what is to stop them from breaking other laws even more serious in nature? Our prisons are full of just this type of criminal; per capita they are the majority group in our prison system today.
As for them being human, yes that is true, but so is Osama Bin Laden and his ilk would you give them a free pass to work and live in our country? These people are criminals, and in some cases calculating insurgents, like La Raza Unita and MEChA, so they are our enemy.
As of this morning it appears that there have been some changes made in the Senate immigration plan that has reduced the number of Z-card applications accepted yearly, by half, and I feel that is a step in the right direction, but until our government takes serious, employer activities, and border issues, this problem will only continue and all the “good intentions” will be merely a smoke screen for the continuing invasion of our country by those who have no intention of being true citizens, but only want to suck off the teat of the American taxpayer.
Again, to clarify. I did NOT say that you were lumping all immigrants into a stereotype. I said you were lumping all ILLEGALS into a stereotype (lazy, criminal good for nothings, etc.)
What does it take to come here legally? How much time? How much money? Is applying for an immigration visa a guarantee that you'll get one? Is there a limit on how many immigrants can legally come from each country? Is there a limit on how many people from one family can come?
I wonder if the answers to these questions, to which I don't yet know the answer (but intend to uncover) have anything to do with WHY they are coming here illegally in the first place.
I keep trying to make the point, which keeps getting ignored, that if they are that bad off in their own countries that they want to come here illegally, there has to be some serious problem in their home countries. Poverty, lack of education, lack of infrastructure, and rampant corruption being the main factors, I'd guess. Why doesn't anyone care about that? Where are the do-gooders here? DOES ANY ONE GIVE A FRAK THAT THESE PEOPLE ARE SO DESPERATE?
You mentioned that Eisenhower deported a million illegals in the fifties. So... they just keep coming back? This indicates that there is a serious, systemic problem that goes way above and beyond your concerns about what they are supposedly stealing from American citizens.
My over all point is that there is a much bigger problem here, but no one (policy makers, administrations, congresses of the past and present) has, to my knowledge, chosen to see it, much less do something about it.
I’ll try to take your comment a step at a time Ms B.
1. Yes I believe that ALL ILLEGAL immigrants ARE criminals. If they come here ILLEGALLY that is a criminal act.
2. Yes, the vast majorities ARE lazy good for nothings. It is estimated that 15% of the illegals (typically women with anchor babies) are on welfare, whereas 8% of legal citizens are on welfare. Mexico until Bush complained actually printed and distributed a pamphlet that instructed Mexican’s on how to illegally enter, and stay in the U.S. and how to manipulate the welfare structure to their advantage.
3. What is involved in coming here legally is not an easy path - nor should it be – first one needs to apply at the conciliate in their country of origin. There are several forms of entry applications, political sanctuary, work, and school visa’s and so forth. Each has it’s own waiting list which can be nearly immediate entry such as in the case of political sanctuary, others may take month’s if not years, depending on what country, how many have applied, and if the quota has been met. The cost varies depending on where they are coming from obviously for transportation, as far as I know there are no fees imparted by the U.S. There is no longer a quota based on country of origin (immigration act of 1964) but on hemisphere, i.e. eastern or western hemisphere. Eastern hemisphere quota per year is around 150,000, and the western hemisphere (the America’s including Brazil) is around 165,000. There is no limit as far as immediate family can apply; in fact, the present structure encourages families to enter together, if possible. And of course once here there is an additional waiting period roughly around 5-8 years that they go through before being naturalized.
4. Do they have it bad off in there countries, yes most certainly that is why they are trying to get here, but this has been exacerbated by the fact that word is spreading that our welfare system is relatively easy to navigate and that if they hide out long enough eventually some jackass politician will find a way to provide amnesty.
5. I do care that many of these people ARE desperate, however I am not going to sacrifice the well being, safety, and welfare of MY family in order to accommodate them.
6. Yes most definitely there is a systemic problem, starting with the corruption in their parent counties that make them want to leave in the first place. Secondly in our own country for not providing the border security and policing of employers that hire them, necessary to keep them out.
In summation, I agree that there is no easy answer to the problem at hand, however we must start by first supporting the existing laws already on the books, in terms of dealing with employers who are also criminals in my eyes that hire illegals. Secondly we need to strengthen or borders, with barriers and more guards, either by increasing the border patrol or stationing National Guard. Thirdly, we need to be more proactive in pressuring those countries that these people are coming from to clean up their act. Mexico is a prime example, it is a country full of potential and yet they are one of the poorest nations in this hemisphere. The NAFTA trade agreement was one attempt to correct this issue but the internal corruption in those countries is what the real problem is. Free trade agreements will not do it alone, the governments of these countries need to police themselves and clean up the criminal cartels that are causing the vast majority of problems in these countries.
Here is the paradox, the U.S. has sent billions of dollars of aid to these countries, written laws like NAFTA, and offered assistance in the form of military support as well as opening up trade to help these countries out and we are criticized by those here and abroad for our “imperialist” activities. Damned if we do damned if we don’t.
You have a really ANNOYING habit of capitalizing in the MIDST of s sentence. Please learn our languague or swim back, Cambio
Nice to have you back, but I know you can do better than criticize my use of capital letters. At least I don't stick in additional letters where they don't belong g. ;-)
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