It appears that there is a lot of controversy in this latest recall of toys from Mattel. The talking heads from both sides of the political spectrum appear to be waving their particular flag expounding on the evils of one thing or another.
The purveyors of the “nanny state” form of government are of course issuing statements to the effect, “this is the result of capitalism”. Their argument is that due to the greed of corporations like Mattel they have ignored the potential hazards to our children. And of course they are also finding fault with the Bush administration because the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) has been under funded and hasn’t had a department head (commissioner) for months and the only candidate that the Bush administration has recommended was a former manufacturing lobbyist.
The other side of the political spectrum is arguing that this is the fault of many administrations, including that of Pappa Bush and Clinton as well. They feel that those who are advocating “global economy” and have pushed agreements like NAFTA and GATT are the culprits. Their argument is that by handing off most of our manufacturing to off shore plants quality has diminished because of the lack of oversight and good old-fashioned American know-how.
Both groups are in agreement that the bottom line is greed and avarice. The businesses, wholesale manufacturing and retail giants like Wal Mart and K-Mart/Sears et al are the cause of this malaise. However some are also pointing the finger at the consumer - you and I, as well.
I am one of those that agree with that last statement. My opinion is that all of the above mentioned is the problem. We have an agency (CPSC) that was formed in the mid seventies that has been steadily losing funding and has had little leadership, and the growing advocacy for a “global market” by our politicians, as well as corporations looking to “grow” their business (cute euphemism for make more money) are all at least partly at fault. But the bottom line and driving factor for all the above is us, yes, you, and I, the consumer.
We can sit here and admonish our politicians and crucify the CEO’s of business, but in fact we are the ones that are asking for cheaper and cheaper product, we are the ones that flood the stores at Christmas, and other times of the year as well, to buy the latest Barbie Doll or Game Boy, or other products that the Jones might have. We have to be the first on our block to own this thing or that, we don’t want our kids to feel “left out” because they don’t have the latest sneaker or hoodie or new electronic gadget.
Is some of this market driven by advertising and other modes of “peer pressure”? Yes most definitely, but the decision to buy or not to buy, to prioritize what is REALLY important lays with us. The way capitalism works is that there has to be a market for things, the consumer DICTATES the market not the other way around.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
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